Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Looking in the mirror. It is an average part of the day for a female. They are always looking at their face looking for new blemishes. They are always looking at their body to criticize and wish for a flatter stomach while eating gummy bears and drinking Mountain Dew.

What do I see when I look in the mirror?

I notice a teenage girl staring back at me. She has bags under her eyes from too many late nights filled with studying. She is acquiring crows feet around her eyes from laughing too hard with her friends. But today, those crows feet are smooth and have disappeared. The usual smile isn't there either. What's going on?
Her olive tone skin is unusually pale and is desperate for summer time where she can lay under the rays of the sun and soak it up. Her black hair is long and smooth, many of her friends envy it. Her two almond-shaped eyes are solemn. There are small blue circles around her brown eyes to verify that she is wearing contacts.
She inhales. The neck muscles are easily identifiable. She only inhales like that when she is stressed out or gaining courage.
I notice that she also has two thin lines of white thread hanging from her ears. Earrings? No, they are too long for that. She always wears them when she studies and exercises. Why is she so dependent on them?

I look at myself. Already exhausted from the first week of second semester of freshman year.

Luckily, I know that she has great things ahead of her. Little does she know what God has planned.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Welcome to my blog! This semester, my classmates and myself will be exploring borders, bridges, and boundaries in a multitude of subjects and scenarios. This blog will be a way for me to type out my thoughts and expressions of the class and anything discussed within the class. I suppose that I could say that this blog is not only a portal to my thoughts, but a bridge.
I hope to get a few things from this class which include an understanding of where boundaries lie and how to cross them with bridges. I also hope to understand the difference between boundaries and borders. My interest in this subject comes from my natural curiosity of understanding the world and the people inhabiting it. I want to understand how to better communicate with people in the most efficient and effective way.